Humanity stands at the brink of a new era of automation, poised for a profound transformation. The latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are set to revolutionize our way of life. This program delves into the subject using video artwork from Hong Kong, the UK and internationally, delving into the intricate interplay between generative technology and creativity.
Participating artists and artworks
Axl Le, The Journey, 2020; The Patient, 2021; A Hundred Varieties of Life 2021-22
Doreen Chan, HalfDream: Promotional Video, 2021 © VH AWARD by Hyundai Motor Group
Jake Elwes, Zizi & Me – Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better), 2020, Making of the Zizi Show, 2021.
Jonas Lund, The Future of Something, 2023.
Kachi Chan, Reconstructed, 2022.
Lau Wai, The Dome, 2023.
Paul Trillo, Jacques – “Absolve”, 2023.
Special Addition in HK Showcase
Lazarus Chan, Stochastic Camera, 2018-