Jennifer CHAN

Jennifer Chan is an artist and researcher who makes kitschy remix videos as a form of social commentary on art and gender after the Internet. She has had solo screenings include the Nightingale Cinema (Chicago), Videofag (Toronto), and Marshall McLuhan Salon in the Embassy of Canada in Berlin for Transmediale 2013. Her curatorial projects have appeared at Conversations At The Edge, XPACE, Trinity Square Video, VTape, and InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Center. Chan’s writing on the histories and trends of Internet art have been published on West Space Journal, Rhizome, Networked_Performance, Art F City, Pool, and Junk Jet. She grew up in Hong Kong and currently works between Toronto and Chicago, where she teaches media arts practices at School of Art Institute Chicago.

男友  (2014, 6’28″)

《男友》將從YouTube 纈取,展示主流東亞男性氣概的網絡錄像影片結合。以Justin Bieber 的流行曲《Boyfriend》作為引子,重新剪接韓國及日本男子組合、中國與台灣明星、以及粵語流行曲偶像的畫面,對立美藉亞洲男子於影片中探討亞洲文化中對異性戀男友形象的膚淺觀點。